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Ceramic Heater Bands Now Standard

By July 29, 2015Jomar News

Jomar Corporation, the global leader in the manufacture of injection blow molding machines is proud to announce the latest improvement to their entire line of machines. Beginning in the fall of 2015, all new Jomar machines will come supplied with ceramic heater bands as standard equipment.

All machines ranging from 20-ton to 175-ton presses will receive the ceramic heater bands for their accompanying plastifier, which is expected to yield numerous benefits for the operator. Ceramic heater bands are much more durable than their Mica counterparts and can handle higher wattage for quick recovery.

Ceramic heater bands were once offered as an option, but due to the tremendously positive feedback Jomar received from customers about the reliability and performance of their ceramic bands, Jomar decided to offer them to all customers without any increase in machine prices.

“Jomar was compelled to make this change based upon customer feedback and our desire to continuously improve our machines. We felt that the benefits of the ceramic heater bands were so significant and consistent, that we were willing to absorb the increase in cost in order to share them with all our customers” said Ron Gabriele, Jomar’s Sales and Marketing Manager.

Ceramic heater bands transfer heat through conduction and radiation, making the tight fit on the plastifier less crucial and less prone to issues related to thermal expansion. They also consume significantly less power than heater bands that are not insulated.

If you would like to replace your existing MICA bands with ceramic bands, please contact Jomar’s Service Department for details.


22611  SK853 CERAMIC 1.38″ SPLIT 2000W

22610  SK852 CERAMIC 2.5″ SPLIT 4500W

22612  SK831 CERAMIC 2.0″ SPLIT 3400W

22613  SK854 CERAMIC 3.0″ SPLIT 4500W


Herb Yarger
Skype: jomarservice
Tony Turner
Skype: jomarparts